Monday, February 27, 2006

The Ride Begins...

After a number of false starts due to a last minute call to duty, we were finally able to leave. (VPNs that work and then dont and then do and then dont, suck. And who knew that upgrading Outlook would remove Word and Excel?) Of course it was just about as cold as it has gotten this winter - 25 degrees.

Serafin and I are off to Daytona for Bike week. We are planning on producing a short video of the adventure of the event for Good Morning America.

At our first rest stop two attractive young women stopped by our table on their way and said "are you guys crazy? You're heroes riding out there in 20 degree weather" We chatted a bit with them and mentioned we were going to Bike Week. She was from NY and off to fetch her dog from her ex-boyfriend's house in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Serafin muttered, "Another one with her dog." Whatever that meant, who knows?

She left saying, "I am sure we will see you again, we are driving a white Escalade." We said good bye. A few minutes later Serafin and I wondered, "did we miss an opportunity?" and, wondering if fate allow our paths to cross again? Hmmm.

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