Monday, January 16, 2006

Big Kids!

What adults in their right mind would think to celebrate their 40th birthday in a paintball shoot out?

Well that would be these two crazies...

And who would go to a celebration like that?

That would be these loons...

And boy was it lots of fun. It was an indoor arena. ( Lots of running and sliding around. And if you are wondering, "does it hurt when you get shot?" The answer is, "It depends."

If your clothes are layered and baggy, it doesn't hurt much at all. If however you are the victim of a well placed shot, it can hurt quite a bit. Jonathan's "willie" and both of my nipples can attest to that.

The inside of my right thigh was a a choice target as well.

Phallic objects, groups, sweating, bruising, masks and heavy breathing. Madonna did something like this on her 40th birthday also. I think it was at the hell-fire club.

Charlies Angels have gotten nothing on these girls!!

Who needs guns when you have deadly index fingers?

The Union Jack and Stars and Stripes. Side by side.
Like Blair and Bush getting ready for Gulf War II.

Our pre-battle breifing, delievered by Jose, aged 14.

The Pre-battle glory shot.

The Dead Zone. (and Johnathan scavanging for extra ammo)

The Refs and their high-tech protective sheild. Yes that is a garbage can lid.

Evidence of a headshot.

Happy birthday Jonathan and Micaela! It was a great time.

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